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Impact Volunteers

Writer's picture: Artists Creating TogetherArtists Creating Together
Featuring Ferris Design Project Center.

Four students from the Design Program at Ferris State University are partnering with the ACT Team for their 2022-23 academic year. The group hopes to help us develop and grow as an organization through their work with design and branding. For the last few months, the group has been immersed in ACT events and programs to gain a deeper understanding of who we are and what we do for the community, which is a central part of their design process:

“As designers, we are passionate about visually telling the stories behind the people we interact with. We use our findings and experiences to inform our creative solutions, and hope that we can continue to create a place of belonging for individuals of all abilities through our work with ACT.”

Why are you excited to work with ACT?

As design students, we have a deep appreciation for art that surpasses a logo you may see on a screen. We are excited to work with ACT because our values align with theirs, and ACT's mission of bringing the arts to everyone means a lot to us… Artists Creating Together is far more than an art studio, it is about community, demystifying disability, and making an impact.

What has been your favorite thing you have experienced with ACT so far?

Attending the We Are All Auction was such a meaningful and enjoyable experience for the entire team. Seeing firsthand how everyone in ACT came together to bring the event to life was so impactful, and we were really moved by the Radiant Ensemble’s opening performance.

Fun fact about your group:

Our team has worked together since our first year in the Design Program at Ferris State University, and we each have our own ways of doing art in our communities. Devyn has drawn kids menus for a small family-owned restaurant in her community. Sienna creates graphics and illustrations for the Ferris State Torch, our college newspaper. Dylan has an interest in photography as well as the art of makeup and drag, and Katie has an interest in both fine arts and digital art.

Thank you to Devyn, Sienna, Dylan, and Katie for your dedication and passion towards supporting ACT and helping us learn and grow. We can’t wait to see what you accomplish!

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Artists Creating Together empowers individuals with disabilities to learn, grow, and celebrate through the arts.

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Artists Creating Together 

1140 Monroe Ave NW, Suite 4101, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 - 616.885.5866 


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