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1986: Inception

Artists Creating Together (ACT), originally known as VSA Arts of Grand Rapids-Michigan, was brought to the community by the Junior League of Grand Rapids in 1986. During a study, the Junior League identified a lack of arts education opportunities for students with disabilities in the community. These findings were supported by the Kent Intermediate School District, Superintendent of Grand Rapids Public Schools, and Director of Special Education for the Michigan State Board of Education. Initially, the Junior League made a three-year financial and volunteer commitment to the new organization, including the planning and presentation of an annual art festival curated to special education students.

1990's: Year-Round Art Offerings

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2006: Becoming an Independent Nonprofit

In March 2006, ACT became an independent nonprofit organization. At that time, there was one full-time Executive Director and we offered five programs. In the following school year, the first art class for transition students (18-26-year-olds) in the Grand Rapids Public Schools district began, serving 15 students in a customized curriculum addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities.  

2011: A New Home for ACT

In March 2011, operations moved into a new home at 1140 Monroe Ave NW from Ottawa Ave. This space included a larger, accessible classroom and activity space for holding on-site programs as well as administrative office space for staff.  

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In March 2012, our name changed to Artists Creating Together. This name was chosen to show that we are dedicated, focused, and committed to serving the people in our local communities. This was also an opportunity to introduce a refreshed logo which better reflected our organization’s story and incorporate our popular and creative hands!  

2012: Name Change

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In the late eighties, the organization hired its first executive director to lead the organization as the first part-time employee. By the mid 1990’s, programming grew to offer dozens of workshop series for children and youth, as well as conducting several performances and exhibitions each year. 

Presently, ACT has four full-time staff members and three part-time staff members. In the last fiscal year, ACT engaged over 10,000 individuals from West Michigan and offered nearly 1,000 direct contact hours of classes. This work is supported by over 390+ individual volunteers, 50+ teaching artists, and Board of Directors. Programs include arts education for early childhood special education preschools; K-transition artist residencies; arts in healing programs at local health facilities, in-studio classes and workshops; community events; and many more collaborative, creative opportunities for people all abilities year-round. 



In April 2019, ACT publicly launched IMPACT, an advancement campaign to support our future. The original space at 1140 Monroe was overflowing as we continued to expand. By doubling the footprint of our previous studio, we sought to provide higher quality visual and performing arts experiences in a bigger, brighter, and more accessible space. This new location would also include spaces for art exhibitions, gardening, staff offices, and collaboration – all within the same building at 1140 Monroe. To bring art to even more people in the West Michigan community, ACT introduced the Creative Cube, a mobile art studio, in 2019. The Creative Cube is a reimagined 40’ long, accessible race trailer with visual art workstations and a performance stage.

2019: ACT on the Move

Learn about the story of ACT and how our impact on the West Michigan community has grown over the past 38 years.

Our History

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Artists Creating Together empowers individuals with disabilities to learn, grow, and celebrate through the arts.

© Copyright 2008 - 2024
Artists Creating Together 

1140 Monroe Ave NW, Suite 4101, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 - 616.885.5866 


Artists Creating Together is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our EIN is 84 - 1698531.

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